join the odyssey of coffee

Our goal has always been to create a transparent & quality-driven coffee supply chain. We believe that the long-term sustainability of our collaborators, environment and coffees is key to both our operation and that of our roasting and commercial partners around the world.
That is why we’re proud to have built a completely vertically integrated operation, playing a role in every step of the value chain. This allows us to control all variables to ensure that each lot that we source lives up to both ours and our client’s high quality standards.
Discover the Seed to Cup journey
As multigenerational producers based in El Salvador, our origin operations have scaled to include six farms and two state of the art mills, as well as global export/import operations. Thanks to our US-based warehouse and logistics partners in Europe, we are able to personally transmit all the value and hard work from origin straight to roasters and consumers at a global scale.
Learn about the complete journey of our coffees, from seed to cup: